Project Information

  • Project Name: PS45 R - Flood Elimination and Exterior Masonry
  • Project Location: P.S. 45 John Tyler 53 LAWRENCE AVE STATEN ISLAND, NY
  • Project Architect: SenArchitects, LLP
  • Project Owner: New York City School Construction Authority
  • Project GC: Hilt Construction,Inc
  • Contract Amount: $11,813,761.00
  • Date of Commencement: 6/25/2016
  • Date Of Completion: 11/01/2018

PS45 R - Flood Elimination and Exterior Masonry - Project Classification – C009, C024, C070,086

Work Descriptions:
The scope in this project involves Exterior Masonry Parapets, Roofs, Flood Elimination. that includes removal of Existing Roofing from entire to deck and replace build-up roof, Exterior façade Restoration and Rebuild Brick Corners and Rebuild Parapet Walls, repair limestone lentils and decorative limestone with Jahn M100 and M110, brick restoration, brownstone repair. Replace spalled brick with brick to match in size, texture and color. Repoint remainder of building finish w ith VOC free water repellent. Underground Excavation and Waterproofing. Concrete Grouting for waterproofing and sealing

Project Location: P.S. 45 John Tyler 53 LAWRENCE AVE STATEN ISLAND, NY

Project Architect: SenArchitects, LLP
118 East 25th Street, #1 NEW YORK, NYC 10010 Attn: Robin Sen. Ph: 212-604-9522 x104

Project Owner: New York City School Construction Authority
30-30 Thomson Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 Neil Ghosh Project Officer Cell# 917-217-18