Project Information

  • Project Name: Metropolitan Corporate Academy
  • Project Location: 362 Schermerhorn Street Brooklyn, NY.
  • Project Architect: Susan Doban Architects
  • Project Owner: NYCSCA
  • Project GC: Hilt Construction,Inc
  • Contract Amount: $3,984,891.00
  • Date of Commencement: 6/25/2013
  • Date Of Completion: 11/01/2013, Project reached substantial. Currently working on change order work.

Metropolitan Corporate Academy, Flood Elimination and Exterior Masonry - Project Classification – C009, C024

Work Descriptions:
Exterior Masonry : This Building comes under SHPO. The scope in this project involves façade restoration that includes removal of elastomeric paint from the entire façade, repair of limestone lentils and decorative limestone with Jahn M100 and M110, brick restoration, brownstone repair. Replace spalled brick with brick to match in size, texture and color for three styles of building. Repoint remainder of building finish w ith VOC free water repellent mason RE R97 Removal and replacement of gutters and leaders. Repair interior finishes associated with exterior repairs. The project also involve Kemper roofing system.

Areaways: Excavate around foundation wall waterproofing and insulate foundation. Removal and replacement of concrete slabs in areaways along with cleaning and replacing areaway drain. Remove and replace hoistway doors and concrete. Replace house traps.

Roofing : Replace roofs with fluid applied resin waterproofing system Scaffolding & Sidewalk Bridge

Door: Replace State street Vestibule door.

Electrical: Electrical work

Plumbing: Replacement of drains.

Project Location: 362 Schermerhorn Street Brooklyn, NY.

Project Architect: Susan Doban Architects
PC. 25 Chapel Street, Suite 900 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Attn: Graham Roscoe Ph: 718-797-1041

Project Owner: NYCSCA
30-30 Thomsan Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101
Attn: Arthur Unbeuami
Ph: 917-418-4808